Free Access To A Suite of Member's Only Resources.

Member Resources
✓ Promotion on social media and in traditional media outlets in your area
✓ Featured on the MBG’s website
✓ Ability to participate in any of the MBG's festivals and events
✓ Discounted tickets to technical workshops and MBG Con
✓ Access to the MBG’s closed Facebook group for information on ingredient purchases, equipment for sale and best practice sharing
✓ Receive the MBG’s monthly newsletter and regular e-communications from the association on industry news, action items and resources
✓ The resource of seasoned brewers at your fingertips to troubleshoot issues in manufacturing, licensing, distribution and marketing
✓ Entrance to the MBG’s annual meeting and four additional networking events throughout the year for industry information and updates from the MBG
✓ Representation on Beacon Hill and your voice heard at the legislative level
✓ Discounted membership price with the Retailers Association of Massachusetts